
Kid's Yoga Teacher Training 17Th-26Th Feb 2020


Benefits, contraindications and guidelines for teaching yoga to children
Lectures on Yoga, Ayurveda Lifestyle, Developmental Psychology, Childhood problems & Yoga
How to teach yoga and create age-appropriate classes for children ranging from birth to age 16
Physical, Cognitive, Emotional, Social and Moral Development in Children
Yoga for education and in a classroom setting
Yoga therapy for children with special needs including ADHD, Autism, Asthma, Depression and Anxiety
Teaching mommy and me or family yoga classes
Teaching methodology including how to structure and create your own lesson plan for a kids yoga class. 
Practical information for teaching to children including asanas, pranayama, games, songs, partner poses, guided visualizations, stories, relaxation and more. Course book contains detailed descriptions of all these components, their benefits and how to use them in a class.
How to make yoga fun and engaging for children of all ages
Yoga Nidra and meditation techniques for children
Mantras, songs and omkar for children
Activity ideas beyond just yoga such as arts, crafts, making mandalas and cooking with children
Lifestyle, diet and parenting from the yogic perspective
Indian Philosophy of Child Development and Education
Consciousness in children and the impact of samskaras on development
Karma and Bhakti yoga for children
Pantanjali’s eight limbs of yoga and how they apply to children
How to bring yoga for children back to your home country or community and communicate with parents, schools, and administrators about the benefits of yoga for children
Get teaching experience and complete assignments with instructor feedback
Experience living in an ashram setting and reconnecting with your inner child

Upcoming Events


Contact Details

Yoga Vidya Gurukul

Village Talwade, Trimbak, Nasik

Phone - +91-9822770727

E-mail - yoga@yogapoint.com or yogapoint108@gmail.com

Yoga Vidya Gurukul

Address of Institute office in Nasik

Yoga Vidya Dham, Kaivalya Nagari,
College Road, Nashik - 422005.
Maharashtra, India.

Phone - +91-9822770727 (for courses in ENGLISH)

+91-253-2318090 (For courses, in HINDI or MARATHI)

(Please call during 9.00 AM to 5 PM Indian Time)

E-mail - yoga@yogapoint.co or yogapoint108@gmail.com


Village Talwade, Trimbak, Nasik

Phone - +91-9822770727

E-mail - yoga@yogapoint.com or yogapoint108@gmail.com

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    +61 2 475 12 193
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    +7 7075 435 329
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    +39 3490883605
  • Raja Yoga Madrid
    Calle Eduardo Costa 21,
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    Telephone - +34 657 645 589
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