
Obesity is an unnatural state cause basically by in activeness, high caloric intake, and metabolic factors. The tendency to not perform any physical exercise is the main cause of increased weight. It is difficult to specify beyond what weight a person is considered obese. A chart of the ratios o f age, height and weight is prepared and efforts to define obesity using this chart have been made. (Such a chart is given at the end of this chapter). While no one can firmly s tate such charts are 100% accurate there is no difference of opinion regarding the con sequences of obesity.

Actually, obesity is not a disease but the source o f many diseases. The body has its own existence and hence its own weight. Thi s weight affects all the functioning systems in the body. It starts affectin g the functioning systems unfavorably when it starts exceeding its optimal li mit. If the body weight puts stress on the organs, the organs that are weak are unable to function appropriately and a disease is developed in that organ. Hence it is sai d that obesity is the mother of many diseases.

The increasing body weight is nothing but the weigh t of excess fats stored in the body. A person feels exhausted even while walki ng with this increased weight. Climbing a staircase or running becomes difficult f or him. His rate of breathing becomes rapid with even a little exhaustion. He swe ats more and all this puts a strain on the heart. Consequently, diseases like heart dis ease, hypertension, asthma, arthritis or anemia start emerging. The person is advised to reduce his weight at such times but reducing weight becomes difficult once he becomes v ictim of the disease. Trapped in this vicious circle, the obese person not only beco mes a patient but also begins his rapid journey towards death. Hence, even if obesity is not a disease, it must be got rid of as quickly as possible.

Let’s go through some of the major causes of obesit y. Obesity will not be overcome unless it is destroyed at its root.

1. Lack of exercise

Physical activities and demands have been reduced a s a result of modern day conveniences and amenities. As calories are not utilized they are stored in the body in the form of fats, thus increasing obesi ty. If this is the cause of obesity, reduction in weight can be achieved with proper exe rcise.

2. Inappropriate Diet

As noted, today’s lifestyle and modern day conveni ences reduce physical activity yet diet/food intake incre ases. As a consequence, excess food is stored in the form of fats in the body, thus inc reasing one’s weight. If the regular diet constitutes of fats storage of fats will obvio usly increase.

3. Impairment in the Digestive System

The food we take is digested and then absorbed in the blood, from where it is supplied to the various cells in the body. The food that is not digested or not absorbed in the bl ood is disposed in the form of excreta. This is called metabolism. If there is any disorder in this process, the food is transformed into fats and is stored in the body and increases body weight. Digestion process improves with practice of yoga thus reducin g the weight.

4. Imbalance in the function of Endocrine Glands

An imbalance in the master glands - the pituitary gland, thyroid and adrenal – may in crease the amount of fat stored in the body, again increasing weight. When this happen s, intake of hormonesupplements in the form of tablets or injections produces a tem porary effect. But certain Yogasanas 98 and Pranayama are even more helpful in that they im prove the functioning of these glands permanently

5. Mental Stress

Stimulation of various emotions, mental stress, and anxiety have a direct impact on the mind and body and affects the function of endocrine glands. The disorder in these glands increases fat storage thus increasing the weight. There is no solution to reduce weight cause by stress other tha n to reduce the stress and to regulate emotions. There is no remedy for it in any other therapy. The main goal of yoga is to bring about control on the mind. The inc reased obesity due to the mental reasons can be controlled only with the help of yog ic processes. The process of Yoga Nidra relaxation soothes the mind and helps in redu ction of weight.

Generally, the way people release mental tension is by overeating which increases obesity. If the tensions are released, th e diet will automatically come under control.

6. Imbalance in the centers of the brain

The various brain centers control the various functions in the body. A disorder in their function ing may result in excess of hunger. And overeating obviously increases weight. Some dis orders of the brain may increase storage of fats. Proper functioning of the brain is hence necessary. Yogasanas, Pranayama and contemplation are useful for this pur pose.

Obesity- Limitations

It is difficult to state the exact definition of ob esity but a fairly accurate definition is used by most. The weight (measured in pounds) double the count of the person’s height in measured in inches is termed app ropriate. To measure weight in kilograms, subtract 4 for males from their height i n inches and subtract 6 for females for the same. The answer of this subtraction is the appropriate weight of the person in kilograms. Some more research regarding this calcul ation has been made and a generalized chart of age, height and weight is prep ared. But it is relative to the geographic conditions and hence there are differenc es in it. A 10% difference on both positive and negative sides in the weight count acq uired from all this calculation is understood as normal. Greater than 10% excess weigh t can be termed as obesity.

Some persons are obese by birth. Their weight excee ds the chart limits. But they do not have any trouble and their weight doesn ’t reduce. Hence it can be termed as their natural weight.


The causes behind obesity have to be found out once obesity is confirmed. There may be more than one cause amongst the six de scribed. There may be three to four causes in different proportions clubbed togeth er. The treatment has to be comprehensive. Fasting or eating less is the genera l treatment that is adopted. But under eating can also be dangerous and one cannot r ely only on control of diet but has to select therapy that will consider all the causes of obesity in the particular individual.

A Research Experiment

The details of an experiment on obesity are present ed here to give a clear idea about it. The aim of the research was to explore wh ether obesity as an unnatural state could be overcome by practice of yoga. The causes o f obesity were identified and certain yogic processes intended to overcome these causes were practiced by a group 99 of women of different ages. Observations were carri ed out regarding the effects on individual body weight, various measurements of the body and the feeling of the individuals regarding the course and their opinion in respect to their routine and efficiency.

(Hypothesis) Direction of Research

There are in all six root causes for increase in ob esity.

  1. Lack of exercise.
  2. Inappropriate diet.
  3. Impairment in the digestive system.
  4. Imbalance in the function of the endocrine glands.
  5. Mental stress.
  6. Imbalance in the centers of the brain.

Obesity in the women participating in this research must have been due to one or more of the above causes. It was not possible to find out the individual causes and suggest personal treatment accordingly as the same course was to be adopted by all. Hence a common course that would uproot most of the se causes was designed.

Sun salutations were emphasized to increase body mo vements. Daily nearly twenty-four to thirty Sun Salutation were performed . The fundamental laws of diet control were disclosed to the group. It was observe d that the group took initiative in diet control. Furthermore, practice of various asan as automatically brought about control on hunger. Moreover, practice of different asanas, rapid breathing, Agnisar, Uddiyan Bandha brought about a balance in the funct ioning of the digestive system and the endocrine glands.

Deep breathing and contemplation were included in t he course contents to control the mental stress. Kapalbhati and chanting of Aum were taught to help in bringing about balance in the various centers of th e brain. As all these processes had to be performed by the group, practice of each proc ess had been limited. But it was observed that each one benefited by the practice of all these processes.

Outline of the Research Project

The duration of this course was two months. Regular practice of one hour daily without any holiday was taken. One batch prac ticed in the morning from 6.30- 7.30 A.M. and the other batch practiced in the even ing from 4.00-5.00 pm. The total number of females in both batches was 29. They were classified according to their ages as follows.

Age Group- 13-25 yrs. 26-35 yrs. 36-45 yrs. 46-60 y rs. Total Number- 6 11 8 4 29

The weights of all females were measured before beg inning the course. Furthermore, the measurements of chest, waist, and hips were taken to get an idea of the fat quantity in their body. The same observatio ns were carried out after the course was completed and they exhibited sound differences. Along with the practical, the group was delivered lectures regarding obesity, yog a and diet to prepare them mentally and to convince them of the causes of obes ity. These addresses proved useful in the sense that the students made the requ ired alterations in their daily routine. As they were convinced with it bringing it into practice became easy for them.

Height Weight
Ft-Inch Cm Kg Pound
5-00 152 47.5 105
5-1 155 50.0 110
5-2 158 52.0 115
5-3 160 54.0 120
5-4 163 56.5 125
5-5 165 59.0 130
5-6 168 61.0 135
5-7 170 63.5 140
5-8 172 65.5 145
5-9 175 68.5 150
5-10 178 70.5 155
5-11 180 73.0 160

Yogic Therapy for Treatment

Sun Salutation played a major role in the one hour classes. About 24-30 Sun Salutation were practiced daily. If it was difficul t for some of them to do all the sun salutations, they were made to do Shavasana in betw een. All asanas in the Yoga Pravesh book were taught. But instead of focusing o n stability in an asana they were performed in the form of repetition. Uttanpada Kati chakrasana was one of the effective asana taught to them. Cleansing processes like Agnisar, Uddiyan Bandha, Kapalbhati and Vamandhauti were taught. The process of Shankha Prakshalana was also carried out one Sunday. Exercises of rapid bre athing were also conducted daily. The daily prayers included chanting of Aum for 11 t imes. But chanting of Aum for 108 times was carried out once in a week. They were not taught any kind of Pranayama. Two months’ duration was too short for p ractice of breath retention. The measurements of weight, chest, waist and hips were taken before and after the course.


If this project is considered as a legitimate one, it can be said that we have reached many positive conclusions. All doubts regar ding the role of yoga in reduction of obesity were cleared with this experiment. The r egular routine of the whole group was the same except for the daily practice of yoga. In two months, the first month passed by in just teaching the various yogic proces ses. The actual practice was carried out in the second month. Considering this, the loss of one and a half to three kilograms of weight can be called a significant red uction. The maximum reduction was five kg. Moreover it must be noted that there w asn’t anyone who had had increase in her weight within these two months.

The measurements of chest, waist and hips also sign ificantly reduced. The average reduction in the measurement of the chest w as 0.7 cm- 3.6 cm. Reduction in the measurement of the waist was more notable. It w as in the range of 3 cm – 6.6 cm. The reduction in the measurement of hips was 2.7 cm - 6 cm. It can be noted that the reduction in the measurements of hips and waist was more significant than that of the chest.

Some more conclusions may be drawn by analyzing the data according to the ages. Average loss of weight of the age groups 13-2 5 and 46-60 was 1.4- 1.6; whereas, that in the age groups of 26-35 and 36-45 was 2.6- 2.9 kg. Reduction in the measurements of chest, waist and hips was more agai n in these lastly described two groups. The group of ages 13-25 exhibited more redu ction in the measurement of the 101 waist (average 6.6 cm). Finally, it can be conclude d that obesity of the age group 26- 45 was reduced significantly due to the yogic proce sses. Reduction was medium in case of the group 13-25 and was least in the age gr oup 46-60.

Household Therapy

  • Mix catechu (an extract of acacia catechu, a type of tree native to India and Myanmar) powder with water and drink it once in a d ay.
  • Rub the catechu juice to the entire body before ba thing.
  • Eat a piece of jaggery after meals.


  • Have a mixture of one glass lukewarm water + 2 tea spoons of honey + half lemon juice empty stomach.
  • Keep hot-cold plate on the stomach for 10 minutes and then mud plate for 30 minutes.
  • Have frequent water enemas
  • Steam bath daily 10-30 minutes.
  • Chew each bite for 32 times during meals.
  • Have ample raw diet (fruits and vegetables) before meals.
  • Have meals before 12 noon and 7 pm..

Beneficial Diet Tips

  • Buttermilk without butter, phulkas, boiled vegetables.
  • Fibrous substances, unhusked rice, sprouted beans.
  • Fruit diet, juice diet.
  • Vegetable made form bitter gourd.
  • Liquid diet and water should not exceed one to 1.2 5-1.5 liters.

Prohibited Diet

  • Non-vegetarian food, hot, spicy, fried substances, bakery products, over-eating.
  • Milk products, oil, ghee, chocolates.
  • Tea, coffee, cocoa, honey.
  • Banana, mangoes, potato, sweet potato.

Yoga for Obesity (SSS – Slim and Smart Sadhana)

Preparatory Practices

  • Start the training with Shavasana Practice for 3 Minutes.
  • Basic movements (ref Yoga Sopan book )

Preparatory movements (ref Yoga Pravesh book )
Sun Salutatons with slow speed (ref Yoga Pravesh book )

Useful Practices

Preparatory Movements type 1 to 10 with fast speed.
Sun Salutations 32 rounds in 8 minutes

Asanas: Uttanpad Chakrasana 3 rounds – Sarwangasana (3 minutes) – Halasana (1min.) Matsyasana - 1minute) - Ardhamatsyendrasana (2 minu tes on each side) Paschimottasana ( 1 minute) – Akarna Dhanurasana (1 minute on each side) Ushtrasana (2 minutes) – Udarsanchalan ( 3 rounds) – Trikonasana (1 minute on each side) – Veerasana (1 minute on each side) - Sh avasana (when needed)

Cleansing Practices: Agnisar 100 strokes total in 3 to 4 rounds Uddiyan Bandh 5 rounds ( each round 30 seconds) Kapalbhati 5 rounds ( 120 strokes per round) Vaman Dhouti ( Once a week ) – Laghoo Shankhaprakas hlana (once a week ) – Full shankhaprakshalana ( Once a Y ear)

Pranayama: Suryabhedan Pranayama with kumbhak for 1 0 minutes Bhastrika Pranayama with kumbhak for 10 minutes.

Yoga Nidra specially designed for Obesity.

Meditation on Manipoor Chakra with mantra “Ram”

Optional Practices:

Asanas: Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, Vipareetkarni, V akrasana, Uttanpadasana, Pawavanmuktasana, Ardhpaschimottanasana, Sulabh Ush trasana. Garudasana, Parivart Trikonasana, Patangasana. Pransyama: Anulom Viloma with or without kumbhak, R ight nostrill breathing

Cleansing Practices: Neti – Dand Dhouti – Vastra Dh outi – Nauli ( all types)

Walking for 60 minutes

Contraindicatons: Shirshasana (Head stand) & its va riations.

Food Habits

Suitable : Normal food with less fats & carbohydrate s but with high fibres. Best food is fruits ( except banana, mango & grapes ) & vegetables

Avoid: Nonveg food, Milk & milk products ( Skimmed milk can be taken), Rice, Oily & Spicy food, refined foods, Fast Food, Preser ved Food.

Special Food Program FANEER

This is a specially designed food program for reduc tion of weight. This includes the following diet for three days:

  • First day – Only Fruits and raw vegetables (No other food to be taken)
  • Second day – Only water with lemon juice & salt
  • Third day – Only Juices & soups (liquid diet only) (This is to be repeated once in 15 days)

Yoga for Obesity (for Cholesterol)

Preparatory Practices:

Start the training with Shavasana Practice for 3 Minutes.

  • Basic movements (Yoga Sopan book)
  • Preparatory movements (Yoga Pravesh book)
  • Sun Salutations with slow speed (Yoga Pravesh book)

Useful Practices:

Preparatory Movements type 1 to 1 0 with fast speed.

Sun Salutations 32 rounds in 8 minutes


  • Uttanpad Chakrasana 3 rounds
  • Sarwangasana (3 minutes)
  • Halasana (1min.)
  • Matsyasana (minute)
  • Ardhamatsyendrasana (2 minutes each side)
  • Paschimottasana (1 minute)
  • Akarna Dhanurasana (1 minute each side)
  • Ushtrasana (2 minutes)
  • Udarsanchalan (3 rounds)
  • Trikonasana (1 minute each side) –
  • Veerasana (1 minute on each side)
  • Shavasana (when needed)

Cleansing Practices:

  • Agnisar 100 strokes total in 3 to 4 rounds
  • Uddiyana Bandha 5 rounds (each round 30 seconds)
  • Kapalbhati 5 rounds (120 strokes per round)
  • Vaman Dhouti (Once a week) –
  • Laghoo Shankhaprakashlana (once a week )
  • Full shankhaprakshalana (Once a Year)


  • Suryabhedan Pranayama with kumbhak for 10 minutes
  • Bhastrika Pranayama with kumbhak for 10 minutes.

Optional Practices:

Asanas: Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, Vipareetkarni, V akrasana, Uttanpadasana, Pawavanmuktasana, Ardhpaschimottanasana, Sulabh Ush trasana. Garudasana, Parivart Trikonasana, Patangasana.

Pransyama: Anulo m Viloma with or without kumbhak, Right nostril breathing

Cleansing Practices: Neti – Dand Dhouti – Vastra Dh outi – Nauli (all types)

Walking for 60 minutes

Contraindications: Shirshasana (Head stand) & its v ariations.

Food Habits

Suitable : Normal food with less fats & carbohydrate s but with high fibres. Best food is fruits ( except banana, mango & grapes ) & vegetables

Avoid: Nonveg food, Milk & milk products ( Skimmed milk can be taken), Rice, Oily & Spicy food, refined foods, Fast Food, Preser ved Food.


Upcoming Events


Contact Details

Yoga Vidya Gurukul

Village Talwade, Trimbak, Nasik

Phone - +91-9822770727

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Yoga Vidya Gurukul

Address of Institute office in Nasik

Yoga Vidya Dham, Kaivalya Nagari,
College Road, Nashik - 422005.
Maharashtra, India.

Phone - +91-9822770727 (for courses in ENGLISH)

+91-253-2318090 (For courses, in HINDI or MARATHI)

(Please call during 9.00 AM to 5 PM Indian Time)

E-mail - or


Village Talwade, Trimbak, Nasik

Phone - +91-9822770727

E-mail - or

  • Yogapoint Australia
    48 Russell Ave, Faulconbridge,
    NSW 2776, Australia
    +61 2 475 12 193
    +61 451 314 385
  • Yoga Sanskar
    Zenkova-33, Almaty,
    Republic of Kazakhstan
    +7 7075 435 329
  • Yogajoya
    Via Montegrappa 87,
    32100 Belluno, Itlay
    +39 3490883605
  • Raja Yoga Madrid
    Calle Eduardo Costa 21,
    Local 7, C.C. El Bulevar, Torrelodones,
    Madrid. C.P. 28250
    Telephone - +34 657 645 589
  • Flat D, 2/F, 419 Castle Peak Road,
    Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
    +852 9344 8589