Yoga for the Eyes

The eye exercises, as recommended by Sawmi Satyananda , are helpful for strengthening the eyes, releasing muscular and mental tension, balancing the eyes, improving short or long sightedness, co - ordination, turned eyes and other malfunctions of the eye muscles.

Precautions and Contra - indications

Avoid for any major eye disorders such as glaucoma, cataract, retinal detachment, tr achoma or any kind of inflammation of the eyes. If needed consult an eye specialist before starting.

Before starting it is good to splash some cool water in the eyes or bathe the eyes using an eye cup. Also during the exercises, if needed, one can again s plash the eyes.

All practices should be done in a relaxed manner, with breaks for water or palming whenever needed.

The exercises can be done sitting on a mat or in a chair, at any time of the day.

The exercises are best done without glasses or contact len ses.

After completing all the exercises it is good to finish with a few minutes of shavasan.



close the eyes, relax and rub the palms together, creating heat and prana. Gently place the hands over the eyes till al the warmth has been absorbed. Repeat 3 - 5 times. This practice is especially helpful for revitalising the eyes, removing tension and improving circulation.


blink the eyes ten times in a fast manner. Then close the eyes and relax for a few breaths. Repeat 3 - 5 times. This esp ecially helps those who blink irregularly.


Sideways Viewing

Raise the arms to shoulder level, making a loose fist with the thumbs pointing upwards. Move the arms sideways until one can only just see the thumbs. Next focus on the left thumb, exhaling, then eyebrow ce ntre, inhaling, then right thumb, exhaling and again the eyebrow centre, inhaling.. This is one round. The head should not move. Repeat 5 - 10 times.


Front and Sideways Viewing

Raise the arms to shoulder level, making a loose fist with the thumbs pointing upwards. Move one arm sideways until one ca n only just see the thumb. Keep the other arm directly in front. Focus on the left thumb, then right thumb, again left thumb and right thumb. One can do this with the breath to increase awareness. Continue 5 - 10 times. The head should not move. Repeat on t he other side.


Up and Down Viewing

Place the hands on the knees, making a loose fist with the thumbs pointing upwards. Keeping the arms straight slowly raise one thumb on an inhalation as high as one can, maintaining the focus on the thumb. Exhaling lower the thumb down. Repeat with the o ther hand. Continue 5 - 10 times on each side. The head should not move.


Rotational Viewing

Place the hands on the knees, making a loose fist with the thumbs pointing upwards. Keeping the arm straight slowly start making a large circle with the thumb, maintaining the focus on the thumb. Inhaling upwards and exhaling downwards. Repeat in the other direction. Again repeat the process in each direction with the other thumb. Continue 5 - 10 times on each side. The head should not move.


Preliminary Nasikagra Drishti (Preliminary Nosetip Gazing)

Raise the arm in front of the body, at eye level with the thumb pointing upwards. Focus on the thumb and while inhaling bring the thumb to the nose. Focus on the nose for a few seconds and then exhaling strai ghten the arm, keeping the focus on the thumb. Repeat 5 - 10 times.

Near and Distant Viewing–

Sit or stand near a window where there is a horizon or view far away. Focus on the nose tip for a few seconds, while inhaling, then exhaling focus on the horizon for a few seconds. Repeat 5 - 10 times.

Alphabet Viewing –

With the eyes open write the alphabet with the eyes. Writing in running writing is best as it flows more easily for the eyes. Now with the eyes closed repeat the alphabet. This exercise helps move t he eyes in all directions.

Additional Practices

  • Shambhavi Mudra
  • Balancing Poses
  • Nasikagra Drishiti – Nosetip Gazing
  • Tratak

Helpful tips for Eye Health

  • Banana skin – the inner part - reduces tiredness and irritability
  • Milk or rosewater – dipped in cotton and pressed on the eyes reduces tiredness and refreshes. In Ayurveda breast milk is recommended.
  • Eye bath
  • Splashing eyes
  • Sun bath on the eyes at sunset or sunrise
  • Diet – vegetarian, lots of fruit and veg, good fats
  • Lifestyle change – better lighting, watching screens
  • Relaxation – mental tension affects eyes, mind and eyes should be relaxed and there will be no strain
  • Barefoot walking at sunrise and sunset


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Contact Details

Yoga Vidya Gurukul

Village Talwade, Trimbak, Nasik

Phone - +91-9822770727

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Yoga Vidya Gurukul

Address of Institute office in Nasik

Yoga Vidya Dham, Kaivalya Nagari,
College Road, Nashik - 422005.
Maharashtra, India.

Phone - +91-9822770727 (for courses in ENGLISH)

+91-253-2318090 (For courses, in HINDI or MARATHI)

(Please call during 9.00 AM to 5 PM Indian Time)

E-mail - or


Village Talwade, Trimbak, Nasik

Phone - +91-9822770727

E-mail - or

  • Yogapoint Australia
    48 Russell Ave, Faulconbridge,
    NSW 2776, Australia
    +61 2 475 12 193
    +61 451 314 385
  • Yoga Sanskar
    Zenkova-33, Almaty,
    Republic of Kazakhstan
    +7 7075 435 329
  • Yogajoya
    Via Montegrappa 87,
    32100 Belluno, Itlay
    +39 3490883605
  • Raja Yoga Madrid
    Calle Eduardo Costa 21,
    Local 7, C.C. El Bulevar, Torrelodones,
    Madrid. C.P. 28250
    Telephone - +34 657 645 589
  • Flat D, 2/F, 419 Castle Peak Road,
    Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
    +852 9344 8589