
Neti (Nasal Cleansing) - By Dr. Prafulla S. Dorle

By Dr. Prafulla S. Dorle

Hatha Yoga

There are 3 types of Neti as mentioned in Hatha Yoga, we will only discuss Jala Neti that is Neti with water.

Prepare lukewarm water along with a small amount of salt in it. Use the "neti lota" or pot. Stand with legs apart. Tilt your head in one direction, place the nozzle of the neti lota in the upper nostril and allow the water to flow in. Adjust the angle of your head to allow the water to flow out from the lower nostri . Avoid the water entering into the throat. Practice the same procedure from the other nostril. After Jal Neti it?s important to practice bhastrika or kapalbhati.

Jal neti helps to remove the accumulated nasal mucus and the pollutants from the nasal mucosa. It removes obstructions from the nostrils and helps to create proper air flow through the nostrils. It helps to improve the secretion and functioning of the nose, throat and ear. It opens up the inner ear and eustacion tubes as well as the nasopharynx, thus improving hearing and preventing ear infections. It helps to get rid of and prevent tonsillitis, allergies, cough, cold, hayfever etc. It also helps to remove the accumulated mucus from the sinuses and gives relief to migraine.

The nasal mucosa has various nerve endings as well as the olfactory nerves. The nasal mucosa is one of the most sensitive parts of the body. The nerve endings are a part of the autonomic nervous system and jal neti gives a proper balance to these nerves. It also helps to improve brain function and regular practice helps to reduce anxiety, depression and other conditions affecting the mind.

And what everyone wants to hear, it helps to maintain a youthful and beautiful appearance of the face.


If you have nasal bleeding, burning or irritation in the nose stop the practice of Jal Neti. If you have sensitive nasal mucosa it is recommended that you place a drop of pure ghee or olive oil in each nostril the night before practicing.

People suffering from deviated nasal septum should not practice Jal Neti.

By - Dr. Prafulla Dorle

Note - Cleansing techniques are to be practiced only under the guidance of Yoga Expert.

For more on Neti...

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